Our local area and the ethos of sharing: our network
The food and wine philosophy shared by Osteria Madonnetta

Osteria Madonnetta is proud to join a network of friends that shares the same ethos, culture and work:
Restaurateurs of Vicenza
Zero-kilometre eateries
The Association of Marostica Goose Restaurants
The Torcolato and Breganze Wine Route
Slow Food Cooks’ Allliance
Slow Food of Bassano del Grappa
Historical Businesses of Italy
Historical Eateries of the Veneto
Restaurateurs of Vicenza
With a long history built on passion and good food, the Restaurateurs of Vicenza were once kitchen rivals but are now united in friendship with the shared purpose of celebrating local produce in their own unique ways.
Zero-kilometre eateries
A “zero km” eatery holds the guarantee that the dishes are prepared and made exclusively using ingredients grown or bred within a few kilometres of the premises in which they are eaten.
The Association of Marostica Goose Restaurants
“Who’s on a wild goose chase in Marostica?” It seems the opening line of a joke but in fact it’s a pertinent question! On a serious note, breeding geese is very much a part of Veneto popular custom, especially in Marostica. Goose is traditionally found on menus from 28 October, a date marked by the town’s annual harvest festival Fair of Saint Simon, the patron saint of Marostica.
The Torcolato and Breganze Wine Route
The Route stretches along the Veneto foothills from Thiene to Bassano del Grappa, and Marostica is right in the heart of this area that is rich in viniculture traditions. The wineries belonging to the consortium are famous for the production of fine wines, especially the sweet dessert wine, Torcolato, obtained from the pressing of dried grapes in January. There are also some very appealing wines unique to the Osteria Madonnetta created by blending the different grape varieties.
Slow Food Cooks’ Alliance
The Slow Food Cooks’ Alliance project was founded in Italy in 2009 and brings together over 300 chefs from taverns, restaurants and bistros to promote the principles of Slow Food, support small local producers and to champion biodiversity, by using the products on a daily basis.
Slow Food of Bassano del Grappa and Marostica
Slow Food is an international non-profit association, with 100,000 members, volunteers and supporters in 150 countries, and a network of 2,000 organisations that practice small-scale, sustainable and quality food production. The movement was founded by Carlo Petrini in 1986, with the aim of promoting food not only as a source of pleasure but also a purveyor of culture, tradition, identity and a way of life, with the added benefit of sustaining local food producers.
Historical Eateries of the Veneto
The Veneto Region has established a register of its “historic eateries”, the main requisite being that the business has been open to the public for at least 70 years. Having been in business for over 110 years and given its “historical values”, Osteria Madonnetta is considered one of the most important members.